Claire has been in our lives for 16 days now. We already can't remember what we did before she joined our family. Well, that's only partly true, we do remember sleeping! We had our two week check up on Friday. Claire did excellent at the doctor's office. She peed everywhere while undressed, but that is a daily occurence here at the house so I was prepared with an extra outfit. Claire measured 20 1/4 inches long and 7 lbs. 10.5 oz. I was thrilled to see she had already surpassed her birthweight. She is a fast ea
ter and I had been worried that she was not getting enough to eat. All of her reflexes were great as well. Basically the doctor said thanks for making his morning easy, and that she looked great. I also loved my doctor! He was wonderful!
Claire lost her umbilical cord stump Saturday night. Adam and I were thrilled and love being able to rub all over her little belly. She is also becoming much more alert during the day and seems to enjoy taking in all the new sights around her.
Having a baby is the most wonderful and scariest thing Adam and I have ever done in our lives. We have to remind ourselves that we trusted God to get us pregnant, trusted Him to keep her safe during pregnancy and now we have to trust Him with her life. She is ultimately His and we have the privelege of being her parents and trying our best to point her towards Him. Thanks for the prayers. If you are close by we love to show her off to visitors!!