Then on August 9, we headed south to Florida. I have to admit I was very nervous about how Claire would do on the airplane and with our busy traveling schedule. But she did great the entire trip! We got up early Sunday morning for a 7:00 flight. She slept in the airport while we were waiting to board. Then while we were waiting to board we hear some little "tootles" coming from her! Great timing! She did great on the flight down. Sarah and Josh picked us up at the airport and we headed down to Adam's Granddad and Grandma Smith's house. We were able to see aunts, uncles and cousins while there. Some of whom we hadn't seen for a couple years. Adam and I also got to go out on the lake for a little bit while Claire was napping.
On the airplane. She doesn't look very happy but she did great!
Great Grandparents
Sunday night we headed to Adam's moms house. While there Claire was able to get into a pool for the first time. She wasn't exactly a huge fan, but she sure looked cute in her little bathing suit. She enjoyed chilling in Uncle J's and Grandma's arms more than swimming.
That evening we head to Yamato's, a Japanese restaurant, for a wonderful dinner!
The whole Gang!
Monday night we headed to Sanford to Adam's dad's house. Claire did a great job with all the traveling. She obviously felt right at home in her Grandpa's arms as you can see in the picture below. On Wednesday night Josh, Sarah, Adam and I headed out to Colorado Fondue for a night out while the grandparents and aunts babysat Claire. We had a great time and laughed a lot! It was just the break we needed before we came back to KY to face school. We had a great time in Florida and were not ready to come home! We love our Florida family!