Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Walking II

Well we officially have a walker on our hands. Claire has been walking some on her own for the past month, but two days ago she just took off. She doesn't really care if any one is going with her or is in the room she is going in, she just wants to walk.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Claire is on the move again...this time as a walker. She never really had much interest in crawling. Once she discovered that she could walk holding onto our fingers she was hooked. She has been progressing really fast and now can stand up without having to use anything with support and walk across a room. It is so fun to watch, but also keeps me much busier. In one month Claire will be one. I find that very hard to believe! Things change so quickly in this first year.

Video Disclaimer: I realize that my living room has toys strewn all about. That is just what happens that last hour before bed. I think she literally has to run around until she just crashes at 8:00.

Video Disclaimer: This adorable video ends very abruptly when Claire bumps her head on the side of the crib. She was fine; didn't even whine. However, Adam was afraid that she was hurt so he shut of the camera.