Sunday, July 12, 2009

Finding My Voice

For the past week or so Claire had given up making her cute "oohs" and "aahs" and was only making grunting noises. We kept telling her to open her mouth and "talk" to us. Yesterday while playing in her pack and play she all of a sudden started making these squealing noises. They were cracking me up! She continued to do it later that night as well. I think she has found her voice! Sometimes she is so loud that she startles herself!!! :)

Claire is not only learning to use her voice, but she is learning to move as well. She has yet to roll over, but she is really good at arching her back. She can then scoot her body around. Take a look at these before and after pictures I took. Today she started out laying one way while we were playing. As we were playing and she was observing she turned about 90 degrees! It looks like we need to start babyproofing the house.

I started facing this way, but. . . .

I finished facing this way!

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