Well, my two options right now are to clean for our New Year's Eve company tomorrow or blog about our Christmas. Since I am really comfortable on the couch I thought I would share our wonderful Christmas celebration with you all. Our busy, yet fun, week started on Monday, December 21. Adam was off work so my mom came to stay with Claire and let us run around all day. We went shopping for Claire's Christmas present, ate Moes for lunch and spent several hours at Borders reading and enjoying some coffee. Then on Tuesday mom and I baked all day! Wednesday was spent getting packed and getting the house clean.
We did Christmas at our house on Christmas Eve morning before Adam went to work. Claire opened up her presents from us and Grandpa and Grandma Smith.
Adam and I got her a Cabbage patch doll. Here she is waiting for daddy to get it out of the box.
I went in with Adam's dad and brother to get Adam a gun.
Adam got me a gift card to Ann Taylor! I am so excited to go shopping.
After Adam got off work we headed to Richmond, KY to my parent's house. We ate a big dinner, each opened a present and played a new game - Wits and Wagers. I still love the excitment of going to bed Christmas Eve and waking up on Christmas morning! I can't wait for Claire to feel that excitment too.
Playing with the presents under the tree with Uncle Adam.
Everyone on Christmas morning!
Christmas morning we ate a bite, read the Christmas story from Luke and then began opening presents. We always start with stockings. Claire enjoyed pulling on the wrapping paper. She did become bored quickly though. I have to say that all of her presents were a big success! She loves riding her bike around the house, playing with her house and hugging on her doll. It is easy to see that Christmas is never going to be the same again!Checking out her stocking
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